Our FINAL Stop! Post #10 is calling all students and families of the Jersey City Public Schools! The JCPS is celebrating its 150th Anniversary on October 28, 2023!

Reply to this post with a selfie in front either of the PS #34 signs and use the hashtag #jcps150anniversary to score your last point🥳🥳🥳
🧐I hope you enjoyed participating in the historical scavenger hunt and learned the history of our city and schools. Points will be counted for responses to our posts up until 11:59 pm on October 26th, and a winner will be announced at our event on Saturday, October 28th at Dickinson High School. We look forward to seeing all of you there!
The Jersey City public school student with the most points will be awarded a prize from the Sneaker Room. Remember to use the hashtag #jcps150anniversary with your selfie. Happy scavenger hunt!
🔍 Look for new clues on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the weeks of October 16th and 23rd. Post your selfie each day between the hours of 7:00 AM and 9:00 PM. Points will be counted for responses to our posts up until 9:00 pm on October 26th, and a winner will be announced at our event on Saturday, October 28th at Dickinson High School. Happy scavenger hunt!
This hunt is only open to the students and families of the Jersey City Public Schools.